About Bigil

                                                About Us


Bigil is a dynamic and forward-thinking non-profit organization established by a group of young men and women who lived in Europe mostly in Sweden for many years as Somaliland diaspora. 
The aim of Bigil organization was to contribute to the empowerment of citizens particularly to the vulnerable groups such as women, children, and youth by working on areas like good governance, education, poverty reduction, migration, health, Agriculture, water, research and protection/human rights.  Registered with the Somaliland government, Bigil is committed to addressing pressing societal issues and fostering a culture of active citizen engagement. With a deep understanding of the importance of inclusive governance and informed decision-making, Bigil works tirelessly to transform the landscape of Somaliland, promoting transparency, accountability, and participatory democracy.

Our Values


At Bigil, we embrace the following values that guide our actions and shape our organizational culture:

Empowerment: We believe in empowering individuals, communities, and institutions to drive positive change and shape their own destiny.

Inclusivity: We promote inclusivity by ensuring that all voices are heard and respected, irrespective of gender, age, ethnicity, or social background. Inclusivity in developmental and humanitarian support where the communities are involved throughout the project cycles.  


Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability in all our endeavors.

Collaboration: We foster collaboration and partnership, recognizing that collective efforts yield greater impact.

Excellence: We strive for excellence in everything we do, embracing innovation, continuous learning, and evidence-based practices.

Our Approach

At Bigil, we adopt a multi-faceted approach to achieve our mission. We focus on awareness and
education, citizen engagement, capacity building and empowerment, and advocacy and policy
reforms. Through these strategic areas of work, we aim to create sustainable and positive changes in governance systems, fostering an inclusive and participatory democracy.

Our Team

Meet the passionate and dedicated individuals behind Bigil. Our team consists of experts in
governance, policy, advocacy, community development, and communication. Together, we bring
a wealth of experience and knowledge to drive impactful initiatives and create a meaningful
difference in Somaliland. 

Partner With Us

We value partnerships and collaborations to achieve our shared goals. If you are an organization,
academic institution, or government entity interested in working together to promote good
governance and citizen empowerment, we invite you to explore partnership opportunities with
Bigil. Together, we can leverage our strengths and create lasting impact.

Join Us

Join us in our mission to promote good governance and citizen empowerment in Somaliland. There
are several ways you can get involved:
Volunteer: Contribute your time, skills, and expertise to support our initiatives. Whether you have
experience in research, advocacy, community outreach, or project management, we welcome
individuals who are passionate about driving positive change.
Donate: Your financial support can make a significant difference in our efforts to promote good
governance. Your contributions will help us sustain our programs, conduct research, organize
events, and provide resources to empower citizens.
Participate: Attend our community dialogues, workshops, and events to engage in meaningful
discussions on governance-related topics. Your active participation can contribute to shaping
policies and practices that have a direct impact on the lives of individuals and communities.
Collaborate: If you are an organization, academic institution, or government entity working
towards similar goals, we encourage you to collaborate with us. By pooling our resources,
expertise, and networks, we can amplify our collective impact and drive meaningful change.

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