University Exposure visit to somaliland parliament.

Bigil’s recent exposure visit was a resounding success, leaving a significant impact on the participating students and the broader community. During this visit, students had a unique opportunity to witness firsthand how the parliamentary system operates, gaining valuable insights and asking insightful questions to parliamentary staff.

One of the most remarkable aspects of this exposure visit was the enthusiasm displayed by the students. Each of them eagerly took home books and educational materials, demonstrating their commitment to strengthening their understanding of democracy and participation in decision-making processes.

Bigil remains dedicated to fostering civic engagement and maintaining a robust partnership with the parliament. Through initiatives like these exposure visits, Bigil aims to empower the leaders of tomorrow. The participating students will play a crucial role as ambassadors, sharing their newfound knowledge and experiences with their peers and the wider community.

Bigil’s commitment to promoting democratic values and civic knowledge is making a meaningful difference, equipping young individuals with the tools they need to actively engage in their nation’s governance and contribute to a brighter future. Together, they are helping to shape a more informed, engaged, and participatory society.

University Exposure Visit to Somaliland Parliament


Bigil People Empowerment Organization successfully conducted a two-day University Exposure Visit to the Somaliland Parliament in Hargeisa. This visit, in line with Bigil’s strategic pillar of “Civic Education and Awareness,” aimed to provide university students with firsthand knowledge of parliamentary functions, democratic processes, and governance structures. The visit took place on [Dates], and the participants included [Number] university students, faculty members, and Bigil representatives.

Activities and Highlights:

1. Orientation Session: The visit commenced with an informative orientation session. Participants received an overview of the Somaliland Parliament’s structure, its role in governance, and the significance of parliamentary engagement in the democratic process. This session laid the foundation for the subsequent activities.

2. Interactive Sessions: The heart of the visit involved interactive discussions with parliamentarians and parliamentary staff. Students had the unique opportunity to engage in open dialogues with these public servants, gaining insights into their roles, responsibilities, and personal experiences. Particular emphasis was placed on how parliamentary work affects education policies in Somaliland.

3. Plenary Session Observation: Participants attended a plenary session of the Somaliland Parliament, where they observed firsthand parliamentary debates, legislative processes, and decision-making. This experience allowed them to witness democracy in action and understand the complexities of policymaking.

4. Committee Visits: A significant part of the visit included sessions with the parliamentary education committee. Students engaged in question and answer sessions, gaining valuable insights into education policies and laws in Somaliland. These interactions helped bridge the gap between academia and real-world policymaking.

5. Tour of Parliament: A guided tour of the parliamentary building provided an opportunity for participants to appreciate the infrastructure and historical significance of the institution. It gave them a deeper sense of the parliamentary environment.

Outcomes and Impact:

The University Exposure Visit to Somaliland Parliament yielded several positive outcomes:

1. Increased Civic Knowledge: Participants left with a deeper understanding of the functions and mechanisms of parliamentary systems and democratic processes.

2. Inspired Civic Engagement: Students were motivated to actively participate in civic affairs and contribute positively to their communities. They expressed a newfound interest in pursuing careers related to public service.

3. Informed Citizenship: The exposure visit equipped participants with the knowledge and tools needed to become more informed citizens. They now have the capacity to make informed decisions and hold public officials accountable.

4. Improved Transparency and Accountability: Interaction with parliamentary representatives underscored the importance of transparency, accountability, and open governance. This experience empowered students to advocate for these principles in their communities.

Alignment with Bigil’s Strategy:

This activity was in direct alignment with Bigil’s strategic pillar of “Civic Education and Awareness.” By providing university students with practical exposure to parliamentary proceedings and democratic processes, it contributed significantly to the organization’s goal of fostering civic education and encouraging active civic engagement among youth.


The University Exposure Visit to Somaliland Parliament was a resounding success. It not only enhanced the civic knowledge and engagement of the participating students but also strengthened the bridge between academia and real-world governance. Bigil People Empowerment Organization remains committed to empowering citizens with the knowledge and tools they need to actively participate in their democracy.

28 nov 2023 


Welcome to the Bigil Community Social Media Platform!


At Bigil, we are unwavering in our dedication to empowering the people of Somaliland, fostering civic engagement, and promoting positive change. Our cornerstone project, the “Bigil Community Social Media Platform,” embodies our commitment to creating an inclusive digital space where Somaliland citizens and the diaspora can unite, collaborate, and amplify their voices for the betterment of our nation.


Why the Bigil Community Social Media Platform?


In today’s interconnected world, social media platforms have become vital tools for communication, knowledge sharing, and civic engagement. Acknowledging this, we have established the Bigil Community Social Media Platform to harness the power of digital connectivity in service of our mission.

Our Vision:

Our vision is to create an online ecosystem where individuals from all walks of life can come together to engage in meaningful discussions, share valuable knowledge, and actively participate in shaping Somaliland’s future. We firmly believe that informed and engaged citizens are the driving force behind positive change. This platform is designed to empower you, our community members, to be change-makers.

What Awaits You:

On the Bigil Community Social Media Platform, you can anticipate:


1. Civic Engagement: Engage in open and constructive discussions on topics ranging from governance and public services to community development.

2. Knowledge Sharing: Access a wealth of resources, research, and educational materials relevant to Somaliland’s growth and development.

3. Informed Debates: Participate in structured debates that encourage critical thinking, evidence-based discussions, and respectful exchanges of ideas.

4. Event Collaboration: Stay informed about and take part in civic events, workshops, and initiatives aimed at driving positive change.

5. Community Building: Connect with fellow citizens, policymakers, experts, and activists who share your passion for making Somaliland a better place.

Join Us in Shaping Somaliland’s Future:
We cordially invite you to become an active member of the Bigil Community Social Media Platform. Your engagement, your ideas, and your voice matter significantly. Together, we can build a stronger, more transparent, and accountable Somaliland—a place where opportunities flourish, and collective prosperity shines.

Join us on this exciting journey, and let’s ignite the flame of positive change together. Welcome to the Bigil Community Social Media Platform!



Pillar 1: Citizen Empowerment and Engagement:

Strategic Goal 1: Increase citizen participation in governance processes and decision-making.


I. Establish citizen engagement platforms and mechanisms for inclusive dialogue and feedback.

II. Conduct awareness campaigns to educate and empower citizens about their rights and responsibilities.

III. Provide capacity-building programs to enhance citizen skills in advocacy and civic engagement.

Bigil’s 5-Year Strategy Plan:


Our commitment to positive change doesn’t end here. We are embarking on an exciting 5-year journey to further empower Somaliland. Bigil’s strategy plan encompasses comprehensive initiatives and goals aimed at addressing the pressing issues and challenges that our nation faces. Stay tuned as we continue to be the catalyst for transformation and thank you for joining us on this remarkable path of growth, development, and progress.







Activity Report: Empowering Future Leaders –
University Students Exposure Visit to Somaliland Parliament

Date: November 25, 2023,
Location: Somaliland Parliament, Hargeisa
Participants: 15 university students from Badar International University’s Faculty of Law
Organizers: Bigil People Empowerment Organization and Somaliland Parliament

Summary of the Activity

The activity was part of the “Empowering Future Leaders” project, which aims to enhance civic education and foster civic engagement among university students in Somaliland. The activity gave the students a firsthand experience of parliamentary processes and functions and encouraged them to actively participate in shaping the nation’s future. The activity included a tour of the parliament, an orientation session, interactive sessions with parliamentarians and staff, a speakers’ session, a feedback and registration process, and media coverage.



Details of Each Session

  • Tour of the Parliament: The students visited the parliamentary chambers, offices, and learned about the legislative process. They also observed the parliamentary proceedings and witnessed how bills are debated and passed.
  • Orientation Session: The session was led by Mr. Adnan Aw-Ali Hillaac, the Chairperson of Bigil, who introduced the objectives and importance of the exposure visit. He was followed by Mr. Abdinasir, a parliament representative, who welcomed the students and gave them information about the parliament. Mr. Abdirasaq Saed, another parliament representative, explained the role and functions of the parliament in Somaliland. Mr. Timo Jilic, a parliamentary expert, discussed the challenges and opportunities of public engagement. Mr. Mukhtar Maydhane, a youth activist, shared the ways and means of youth participation in the legislative process.
  • Interactive Sessions: The students engaged in interactive discussions with parliamentarians and staff, who answered their questions and shared their experiences and opinions. The students also visited the education committee, where they explored the education policies and initiatives of the parliament. The students gave feedback on the activity and recorded clips of their impressions and learnings. The activity ended with group photos with the parliamentarians and staff.
  • Speakers’ Session: The students listened to confirmed speakers, who were experts from various parliamentary domains, such as the electoral system, the constitutional reform, the budget allocation, and the human rights situation. The speakers shared their insights and perspectives and provided the students with valuable information and guidance.
  • Feedback and Registration Process: The students filled out feedback and registration forms and received certificates of participation. The feedback and registration process was managed by Caalin, a key member of Bigil’s team, who ensured a smooth and organized process.
  • Media Coverage: The activity was covered by Jamal, a skilled camera man, who captured the moments and the atmosphere of the activity. He took photos and videos of the activity and documented the project.

Objectives and Outcomes

The activity had three main objectives:

  • Civic Engagement: To enhance the understanding and contribution of university students to the parliament’s work, structure, and policies affecting their lives.
  • Promote Transparency: To emphasize the importance of transparency, accountability, and open governance, especially in education policies in Somaliland, through parliamentary engagement.
  • Improve Bigil’s Partnership: To strengthen the collaboration with local institutions, in this case, Badar International University.

The activity achieved the following outcomes:

  • Increased Civic Knowledge: The students gained a deeper understanding of parliamentary functions and democratic processes and learned about the current issues and challenges facing the nation.
  • Inspired Civic Engagement: The students were motivated to actively engage in civic affairs and contribute positively to their communities. They also expressed their interest and commitment to participate in future activities and projects related to civic education and empowerment.
  • Informed Citizenship: The students became more informed citizens, capable of making informed decisions and holding public officials accountable. They also developed their skills and confidence in communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
  • Improved Transparency and Accountability: The activity promoted transparency and open governance through interaction with parliamentary representatives and experts. The students learned about the policies and initiatives of the parliament, and how they can monitor and evaluate their impact and effectiveness.

Highlights and Recommendations
The activity also revealed some highlights and recommendations for future improvement:

  • Civic Education Test: A pre-event civic education test showed a significant gap in students’ knowledge about parliamentary processes, indicating a need for more advocacy and awareness campaigns to address this issue.
  • Voter Registration Awareness: A survey conducted during the activity found that most of the students were not registered to vote, suggesting a need for more advocacy and awareness campaigns to inform and educate the youth about their electoral rights and responsibilities.
  • Follow-up Activities: The students expressed their desire and enthusiasm for more follow-up activities and opportunities to engage with the parliament and other civic institutions. They also requested more guidance and mentorship from Bigil and the parliamentarians on how to pursue their career aspirations in the public sector.

The activity was a great success, and it aligned with the overarching objectives of the “Empowering Future Leaders” project. The activity provided the students with a unique and valuable experience of learning about the parliament, its functions, and its processes, and interacting with the parliamentarians and staff. The activity also inspired the students to be more involved in civic affairs, and to contribute to the development and democracy of the nation. The activity was a significant step towards enhancing civic education, fostering civic engagement, strengthening knowledge, promoting transparency, and improving Bigil’s partnership with local institutions.

Bigil People Empowerment Organization
November 30, 2023