Bigil Areas of Work and Possible Interventions

Awareness & Education

Under this area, Bigil aims to build awareness and educate citizens about their rights, responsibilities, and the importance of active participation in governance processes. Some possible interventions include:

Conducting public awareness campaigns: Bigil can organize campaigns using various communication channels such as social media, radio, and community outreach programs to raise awareness about democratic processes, civic rights, and the significance of citizen engagement.
Organizing workshops and training programs: Bigil can conduct workshops and training sessions to provide citizens with knowledge and skills related to governance, advocacy, and effective civic engagement. These programs can empower individuals to actively participate in decision-making processes.

Citizen Engagement:

Bigil seeks to facilitate citizen engagement by providing platforms and mechanisms for citizens to participate in governance processes. Possible interventions include:
Establishing feedback mechanisms: Bigil can create channels for citizens to provide feedback, suggestions, and opinions on policies, projects, and governance issues. This can be done through online platforms, town hall meetings, or regular consultations.

 Organizing community dialogues: Bigil can facilitate community dialogues and forums where citizens, policymakers, and government representatives come together to discuss pertinent issues, exchange ideas, and jointly seek solutions.

Capacity Building and Empowerment

Bigil focuses on building the capacity and empowering citizens to actively engage in governance. Interventions under this area may include:
Providing leadership training: Bigil can organize leadership development programs to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively advocate for change, mobilize communities, and drive positive governance outcomes.

Offering mentorship and coaching: Bigil can connect experienced professionals or mentors with individuals or groups seeking guidance, advice, and support in their civic engagement efforts. This mentorship can help build confidence, enhance strategic thinking, and foster effective advocacy skills.

Advocacy & Policy:

Bigil engages in advocacy and policy efforts to influence positive changes in governance practices. Some possible interventions include:

 Conducting policy research: Bigil can conduct in-depth research on governance-related issues, identify gaps, and develop evidence-based recommendations to inform policymakers and contribute to informed decision-making.

Collaborating with other organizations: Bigil can form partnerships and alliances with likeminded organizations working in the governance sector to amplify advocacy efforts, share resources, and foster collective action for policy reforms.

By implementing interventions under these areas of work, Bigil can contribute to building an informed, engaged, and empowered citizenry, strengthening citizen-government relationships, and promoting transparent and accountable governance practices. Each intervention plays a vital role in creating an environment where citizens actively participate in decision-making, policies are responsive to their needs, and the overall governance system is strengthened for the benefit of all.

Third-partymonitoringofhumanitarian and developmental programmes In Somaliland/Somalia. ​

Bigil is well suited and works with to improve the impact, effectiveness, and acceptance of internationally funded developmental and humanitarian projects in Somaliland/Somaliland by providing highly skilled and suitably designed monitoring and evaluation strategies. Bigil also monitors, evaluates, and supervises government and community led initiatives and provides expert feedback for improvement and lessons learnt.