
Exciting news!

The Somaliland National Election Commission has announced the schedule for the combined Presidential and Political Parties elections on November 13, 2024. Bigil celebrates this milestone and calls upon every citizen to prepare for this momentous occasion. Your vote is your power!
#SomalilandElections #Democracy #VoteBigil 🗳️✊

Bigil's University Exposure Visit To Somaliland Parliament HoR

Discover how Bigil NGO is fostering civic engagement in Somaliland through its latest initiative – a university exposure visit to the Somaliland Parliament. In collaboration with local institutions, Bigil organized an enriching experience for university students from Badar International University’s Faculty of Law, aiming to strengthen civic education and inspire future leaders. Watch the full video of the visit to witness firsthand the impactful interactions, insightful discussions, and empowering experiences that contribute to building a more informed and engaged citizenry in Somaliland.

Through partnerships and dedicated efforts, Bigil continues to empower youth, promote democratic values, and foster positive change in the community. Join us in celebrating the success of this initiative and stay tuned for more updates on our ongoing projects and initiatives aimed at creating a brighter future for Somaliland.

Bigil is dedicated to fostering civic education and engagement among the people of Somaliland. Our latest endeavor took a group of students from Badar University to the Somaliland Parliament/House of Representatives, where they had the honor of meeting Honorable Mukhtar Hassan Maydhane, a distinguished member of parliament.
During their visit, our students engaged in an insightful discussion with Honorable Maydhane, touching upon various aspects of legislative processes and democratic values. One of the key topics addressed was the diverse voting patterns observed among MPs on the same issue. This discussion highlighted the importance of openness, accountability, and democratic principles in shaping the future of Somaliland.
At Bigil, we firmly believe in the power of education and dialogue to empower citizens and strengthen democratic institutions. Our visit to the parliament exemplifies our commitment to fostering an informed and engaged citizenry, capable of actively participating in the democratic processes that shape our society.
To learn more about Bigil’s efforts to empower citizens through civic education, watch the video above and join us in our mission to build a prosperous and democratic Somaliland.
#Empowering Citizens, Building Democracy

Bigil is committed to nurturing future leaders and empowering them to actively participate in civic and legislative processes. In our latest video, we delve into the intricacies of how the national budget is allocated and influenced by the House of Representatives.

Understanding the national budget is crucial for informed citizenship, as it directly impacts the allocation of resources and funding for various sectors and initiatives. Through this video, we provide valuable insights into the budgetary process and shed light on the role of the House of Representatives in shaping fiscal policies.

Join us in empowering the next generation of leaders to engage meaningfully in governance and contribute to the development of Somaliland. Watch the video above to gain a deeper understanding of the national budget and the influential role of the House of Representatives.
Empowering Future Leaders, Building a Better Tomorrow